Are You Concerned ?

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Our environment with the intervention of mankind's greed and thirst for stripping our mother earth of her resources is probably keeping many parents awake at night ..tossing and turning in fear of the legacy we shall leave our children long after we have departed this world..

Will the grass still be green..? and the skies so blue..?,when we think back to the days of our childhood do you recall we all lay on the grass looking at the beautiful skies and cloud formations making shapes and patterns in our vunerable imaginative minds..little pleasures of life that will be denied to our children s children..and still..what does it all mean now that developing nations are so selfish and arrogant in making public statements when questioned about their environmental polices..." As developing nations we shall enjoy the selfish decadence of capitalism in new found riches in the expansion of our export markets and economic growth"..Yes Now we see all the major brands building new international relationships because they have 200 million or more clients..with the advent of the carbon credit structure and implementation these organizations that have polluted our beautiful planet are now being paid to do so even more..!!
A well known Entrepreneur stated a few months ago that the carbon credit industry would be worth 3 trillion dollars within the next 2-3 years..
We should as one voice ask ,what are the developing nations output on the GDP and how does that benefit the population when 90% live well below the stricken poverty line where even as a human right do not enjoy drinking clean water or being able to bath in a safe environment where those around take great pleasure in flaunting their wealth and symbols of dominating power..I think now we would all agree as the masses start to feel the injustice from their armchairs and with new government polices targeting the millions of unemployed and infirm and sick, perhaps public opinion and revolt may yet again mean something to those who were yet again elected into office.

Or will it..?...Please feel to post your opinions and comments,after all do we not live in a society of freedom of speech.."This is Britain" it..who are we in debt to apart from the taxpayer.."You"

What is the role of the Monopolies Commission.( now known as the Competition Commission)

.OK now we have established their role as a governing regulator and bodie,lets ask the question of how many companies that are FTSE 100 and who control their own niche markets where their is NO competition.

The role of the Competition Commission

The Competition Commission (CC) is an independent public body which conducts in-depth inquiries into mergers, markets and the regulation of the major regulated industries, ensuring healthy competition between companies in the UK for the benefit of companies, customers and the economy.

The role of the Competition Commission

The Competition Commission (CC) is an independent public body which conducts in-depth inquiries into mergers, markets and the regulation of the major regulated industries, ensuring healthy competition between companies in the UK for the benefit of companies, customers and the economy.

I am going to add to this blog and article ,I am not a conspiracy theorist or activist I have many years in business experience and have met some very powerful and influential individuals over the years ,I also believe in loyalty in the knowledge and trust that has been given to me and I will always hon-our that.

I am however a very concerned parent and would like to hear that one fine day perhaps all parents may sleep and rest as others work together in unison to bring about the constructive and positive changes that have to be imminent within the next few months as we read with the passing of each day that time is running out and the clock is ticking away unheeded.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article.

1 comment:

  1. đồng tâm
    game mu
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    số điện thoại tư vấn pháp luật miễn phí
    văn phòng luật
    tổng đài tư vấn pháp luật
    dịch vụ thành lập công ty trọn gói

    "Ừm, ta biết rồi." Ô Thiến Thiến khẽ gật đầu, xoay người sang chỗ khác, không hề nhìn Sở Dương nữa: "Còn việc gì không?"

    "Trong khoảng thời gian này, lời đồn quá nhiều, mà lời đồn lần này, ta sẽ không nhúng tay." Sở Dương trầm mặc một hồi, nói: "Ngươi làm đi."

    "Ta biết." Ô Thiến Thiến thản nhiên nói: "Ngươi khổ tâm bồi dưỡng ta, không phải là vì ngày này sao?" Thanh âm nàng thực bình tĩnh, nhưng bên trong thanh âm bình tĩnh đó, lại tựa như chôn giấu một ngọn núi lửa có thể bộc phát bất cứ lúc nào.

    Sở Dương có thể cảm nhận rất rõ ràng, trong lồng ngực Ô Thiến Thiến, trái tim yếu đuối đang nhảy lên cực kỳ kịch liệt! Tuy bề ngoài Ô Thiến Thiến hết sức bình tĩnh, nhưng cảm xúc kịch liệt trong lòng, cũng ẩn ước không thể ngăn chặn nữa rồi.

    Sở Dương thở dài, nói: "Ta chỉ muốn nhắc nhở ngươi. Địch nhân bất động mới là đáng sợ nhất. Nhưng chỉ cần hắn động, bất kể mục đích của hắn là gì, thì chúng ta cũng có đối phó bọn hắn."

    "Điểm này, ta cũng không cần ngươi nhắc nhở." Ô Thiến Thiến thản nhiên nói: "Đi theo Sở diêm vương chân chính nhiều ngày như vậy, ta cũng hiểu."

    "Vậy là tốt rồi." Sở Dương gật đầu, thấp giọng nói: "Chuyến đi này... nếu không có gì ngoài ý muốn, nửa năm sau, ta sẽ trở về.

    Ô Thiến Thiến im lặng thật lâu không nói gì, chỉ quay lưng về phía hắn.

    Sở Dương giơ tay lên, muốn vỗ vỗ bả vai nàng, nhưng tay giơ lên rồi, sau một hồi lâu vẫn không hạ xuống. cuối cùng thu tay từ giữa không trung trở lại, nói: "Ta đi đây. Ta đi hoàng cung, sau đó trực tiếp xuất phát."

    Ô Thiến Thiến không đáp.

    Sở Dương thở dài, chậm rãi xoay người, đi ra ngoài. Đối diện với Ô Thiến Thiến u oán, Sở Dương cũng không dám nán lại nơi này.
